Television set
- Before you set off, remove the TV set from its bracket and store it safely.
- Then return the flatscreen TV and the TV bracket to their default position and secure them. If the bracket is installed in a TV unit: Close the TV unit.
- Before every journey, check whether the antenna is in the park position. Safety hazard! Park position means the antenna is pointing downwards, is totally lowered and is locked in this position.
Bracket in the TV unit
- The flatscreen TV is attached to a drawer in the TV unit.
Pull the TV bracket forward:
- Press the release button (figure 124.5) and use the handle to pull the flatscreen TV bracket forward as far as it will go. (Figure 124.4)
Swivel the TV bracket:
- Pull the release button (figure 124.1) and swivel the flatscreen TV (figure 124.2) to the desired position.
- Undo the thumb screw (figure 124.3).
- Set the desired tilt on the flatscreen TV and tighten the thumb screw.